What we do

We operate 5 main brands offering complementary solutions to our clients:

Market Intelligence: CCM

CCM is a leading market intelligence provider across the industries of agriculture, chemicals, and life science, which dedicates to benefit clients with accurate, timely, scientific, efficient, and intelligent decision support.

Global Monitoring Platform

GMP is an innovative online industry data monitoring platform mainly aims to help government institutions and providing them with knowledge related solutions.


Infotikxs is a global knowledge sharing and knowledge exchange marketplace where experts provide their services for the industry related commercial issues.

Trade Analysis: Tranalysis

- Global Import and Export Analytic Platform
- Price, volume and product specifications
- Trade policy information

Kcomber Database: Kcomdata

- Financial performance data
- Operational details
- Competitiveness analysis

Knowledge Management: Yonoop

- Data crawling and warehousing solutions
- Knowledge management tools
- Big data forecasting